An involved dad is important to a baby’s first months and years of life.
Even when the dad lives outside the home, babies with actively involved fathers grow into healthier, happier, more successful children and adults. Babies need to form a strong bond with their parents, and that means dad, too.
Bringing home a new baby is a big change for everyone. There are many ways dads can help support mom and baby once they arrive home from the hospital.
Moms body goes through a lot of changes during the pregnancy. It may take a little while for her to feel like herself. Be gracious, patient, and supportive.
Spend quality time with your older kids by having them help with getting a diaper, smiling at, or reading to baby.
Breastfeeding is the best way to provide nourishment to your new baby. It might not be easy at first so give mom plenty of encouragement and support.
WIC is here to support you. Call for any questions or for additional breastfeeding support.
Having breast milk or formula in your baby’s tummy is new to them. Babies spit up less and require less burping as they get older.
Speak to your WIC Nutritionist or healthcare provider if you are concerned with the amount your baby is spitting up at each feeding.
Be a hero, change diapers!
Baby’s Age | Wet | Poops |
Day 1 |
Day 2 |
Day 3 |
*Day 4+ |
*This amount lasts up to the first month or longer.
Laying on their tummy helps strengthen your baby’s neck and shoulder muscles. Think of it as their daily workout as they prepare for big moves like rolling over, sitting, and crawling.
Talk to your baby and make funny faces while changing their diaper.
Keeping active—getting out of the house is good for everyone!
Their brain is learning new words every day, even from the day they are born.
Visit for information on when your baby is due for shots.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies sleep in the same room as their parents on a separate sleep surface until their first birthday.
National Fatherhood Initiative
National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse
Check for fatherhood initiative programs at your local Head Start program or school system.
Side-Lying Hold
This hold is useful when:
Cross-Cradle Hold
This hold is useful when:
Clutch or “Football” Hold
This hold is useful when:
Cradle Hold
This hold is useful when:
Laid-Back Hold
This hold is useful when: